“The best experience I've ever had for learning, growth, and development on a personal and professional level.”

Michael A. , San Francisco.


Blending knowledge with know-how.

No one hires you to do your best. They hire you to produce results. For James, that means transforming the way organizations build and maintain the connections that are critical to their success.

The programs and services he offers are custom designed around his research. They introduce the cognitive factors that determine the way connections form and help individuals, teams, divisions, and entire organizations strengthen their essential relationships.

  • Sticky Workshops & Development Programs

    Sticky Workshops & Development Programs

    Master the skills needed for cultivating deep, loyal relationships that enhance client loyalty engagement and stakeholder engagement. Dive into interactive sessions designed to transform your approach to relationship-building in both personal and professional contexts.

  • Stuck Workshops & Development Programs

    Stuck Workshops & Development Programs

    A critical prerequisite for organizations before they can effectively engage with current trends like AI, hybrid work, and new technologies. Without first learning how to embrace change the benefits of innovation cannot be fully realized or effectively integrated.

Teaching Methods

Teaching is more than the transfer of knowledge. It requires an understanding of how people actually learn, what motivates them, and why behaviors and attitudes change. 

But that is only half of the equation. Knowledge is only powerful when combined with know-how. That is why every teaching, training, and development program should produce both. The outcome should be participants who know what to do, but also how to do it-on their own and with a team.

James has taught at Harvard University, Penn State University, and Washington University in St Louis.

How We Learn

Learning requires empathy—the ability to understand and imagine information you receive from others. But agency—the ability to control and direct that information, is just as critical for knowledge to stick.

More videos

Additional videos that explain the teaching methodology James’ incorporates into all of his workshops and development programs.

Rewards & Incentives

Feedback loops and failure are essential to learning, but can lead to discouragement and prevent individuals from developing.

Balance & Flow

If teaching is too challenging, participants become anxious and resist; if too simple, they get bored and check out.

Learn By Doing

We think we learn through instruction and the transfer of knowledge. Not so. We learn by doing.

The Importance Of Failure

Failure often accelerates learning - IF there is an incentive to learn from that failure and not simply feel humiliated or embarrassed by it.

Learned Culture

Cultural goals are different than business goals, but both have outcomes. Desired cultural behaviors need to be taught.

Make A Difference.

Less than 20% of all businesses are women or minority-owned. While access to capital is often their biggest challenge, there is a vast disparity in profitability, growth, and early survival rates when compared to non-W/MBE entrepreneurs. The problem for most is not simply a lack of money, it’s a lack of access—to quality business development programs, high level consulting, and powerful networks that could dramatically increase their odds of success.

To help address this inequality and pressing need, James partners with his clients to donate workshops and coaching to a W/MBE of their choosing. Organizations are able to have a profound impact on local and regional economies by providing women and minority business enterprises with the same quality training, counseling, and development programs that James provides to them. Learn more.


To inquire about James’ availability and speaking fees: