L I V E   Y O U R   A N D

The human body is made from approximately 34 trillion cells. That’s almost 20 times the total number of galaxies in the observable Universe. Within each of those cells, there are about 100 trillion atoms. It’s all quite remarkable. 

What’s even more extraordinary, however, is that those multi-trillions of elements don’t emerge as an amorphous, disorderly blob. They connect and bond and work together to form shapes and structures and fractal arrangements; turning all of us into who we are. Turning everything on this planet into what it is. Everything we see, smell, hear, taste, touch, and experience is a manifestation of the beauty and magic that comes from connections. 

It is the power of &.

But “ands” produce far more than material things. They create relationships, alliances, networks, and communities. They bring people and nations together, and make concepts like friendship, fellowship, loyalty, and love possible.

The & is a symbol of James’ work. But beyond speaking, writing, studying, and advising, his goal is to create a community of connectors who know how to change the world in the only way it has ever been changed. With an &.

Why &?

This &

THIS is it

THIS is how to live your life

THIS is how to innovate your business

THIS is how to improve society; how to make a difference

Sound familiar?

We’re taught to make sense of the world 

By separating things 

And focusing on one


and THIS alone

And while THIS makes a complex world easy to understand

The truth is that everything in our lives

Exists in relationship to something else

Not just THIS


From atoms to dark matter

From evolution to revolution

Connections are what drive change in our lives

Not just THIS


When we open ourselves up to the connections between things

Greater awareness, creativity and understanding results

You & Others, Employees & Customers, Ideas & Actions

Not just THIS


The possibilities of the world unfold

Horizons expand

Growth is imminent

Not just THIS


Project &

In 2020James commissioned 100 artists from 100 countries to interpret the character “&” as a symbol of connection. Each of those design are featured on @CreateYourAnd Instagram page, and mirrored in the space below.

L[and] Art